Health Records

Heath Records

Atlantic AllCare creates and tracks all home health care activity providing family members and clients alike with a comprehensive record for personal care medical information. It’s the perfect replacement for unreliable paper records or various electronic systems that hold bits and pieces of the client’s overall care. With Atlantic AllCare Health Records, any and all information that is important to you and your family is kept together in one place making seamless care across providers and a priority. In case of emergency, these records are available for emergency responders. Features include:

  • Tracking a range of common test results such as blood pressure; cholesterol; metabolic panels; blood sugar; CAT scan; height and weight.
  • Areas for emergency contacts, health insurance, doctors’ contact information, and other data that are not strictly part of a traditional personal health record (PHR) are all available.
  • Attaching files such as photographs, labwork, x-rays, and other important documents.
  • Generate a report of all or part of your record and email your record to the doctor with a click of a button.
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